
Goddess of the volcano,
God of the stars,
Goddess of the Earth,
God of the sun,
arouses my heart's ember,
to be in the world, to do, with joy and my gifts.
(song of the rainbow snake)
Steep rise the wondrous rock formations of pink and gray, hard granite into the sky, crossed by dark lava veins or ocher sandstone bands. The eternal wind formed the softer limestone into bizarre sculptures.
Thousands of years ago volcanoes and earth movements have shaped this powerful landscape. Their highest peaks reaches 2600 m above the sea level.
Between the mountains, narrow wadis (valleys) with partially white sand dunes and canyons push. Here and there a single tree watches over the vast silence and emptiness.
The Bedouins on the SINAI wear despite all "egyptization" and modernization their ancestral song in their heart:
"The Bedouin, strong as the desert, gentle as the sea. He moves through the wind: Forever Free "