Me. And We.
Mind-full-ness between left and right vs. whole brain@source. Letting go of any comfortable illusions of control. Dropping the overweight of doubts. Liberating my fleshy temple of dealers & negotiators. Moving beyond isolation and fears. To finally pause the download of polarising “truths.”
For zenmind-playfully-curious explorations in open space.
Perception. Pure.
Insights instead of expectations hunting. Soul longing. Here in my body.
One more exploratory flight headed towards research findings in neurochemistry for cognitive prep phase completion...
Dr. Antonio Inserra formulated the hypothesis that one of the most potent, naturally occuring psychedelics N,N-Dimethyltryptamin (DMT) seems to activate Sig1R-receptors which can then form complexes with other receptors to boost signal transmission and synaptic plasticity in the brain's memory centres. Plain text: if DMT interacts with Sig1R on epigenetic levels - this mechanism can be extremely helpful for activating and processing traumatic memories.
And after my earth landing aka birth - which somehow might be better described as "survival trip" out of my mother's and my own body as well.
That's auspiciously fantastic news. I'm ready... and curious for my first psychedelic journey.
Travel planning
Sacred substance: a cup of 2nd Infusion. 7 days of microdosing. Honey masterdose of Ayahuasca brewed by the most lovingly, trusted soul mate & dance chief
Set: open mind. Open heart. And a detoxedly pure body, too
Setting: an in awareness held safe space
Framed by wild vines & exotic flowers. Puke bucket included.
Soundscape by Sound Alchemist Laura Inserra
11 pm. Tea-time. The second infusion of vines & leaves tastes contrary to all warnings not bad at all. If one doesn't mind bitter stuff.
Intention for my journey? Gathering and bringing home the (hopefully last) fragmented parts of my soul. Labeled "complex traumatized" after perinatal complications. A martial arts accident. And being struck by lightning. So it's just about embodiment.
And about navigating with a very fine perception through the gap between myself & Self. Travelling at full moon. Along silver life lines. In search for the navel cord of my soul.
In the beginning there's only deep listening to dreamlike sound. Then quite a shy carousel-like feeling of nausea in my belly... breathe in. And exhale. Nope. No roller coaster. No big scream. This purgation thing has never worked for me. Not in all the ayurveda cures of my past.
Well. But then what?
Ahm… silence. Peaceful Silence. Spaciousness. Universe. Stardust.
No wild animals.No hypnotic-colourful-comic-snake-Kaa-eyes.
No rainforrest goddess in her luscious djungle palace.
Wonderful alchimistic soundscapes instead. Gentlywild whispering. A Yaaa…
And sooner or later. More than less bored. My mind decided to simply fall asleep. Start of the visual part of my journey. First stop at the tower of babel. Then soul kitchen with twin soul. Deep fried tasty meat balls. Mushroom sausage included. Aww to a most amazing lightflooding at the end of the movie show.
…pure joyous playfulness with the most beautiful feeling of peace. Rainbow-colored tingling in each and every cell of my body. Blissfilled. Aliveness. Fully embodied.
An emerging sense of cellular memory with each microdose. The body remembering its inner nature and innate wisdom. At the same time feelings of unity with all sentient beings in outer nature.
Yes. And then? A masterdose of Aya honey. Sensually weaving experiences into my carpet of perceptual reality. Integration. But that's another story...
in endless gratitude to Madre Aya. Gratitude for my dearly loved Mama. Gratefulness to my beloved father. For his relentless research in the realms of alchemy. And his infinite respect for the feminine.
Iris or goddess of the rainbow.
Dancing dakini.