Life- and Soulmanagement

24 h online-consultation

"My mindset creates my life" is an ancient wisdom that attributes to us humans the freedom of responsibility and the responsibility of freedom in our lives.

When we are balanced, we experience acts of strength, integrity and wisdom from an inner guide, from a compound of body, mind and soul.

In the current intensive time we humans have the chance to explore life and with it ourselves in a new way.

We have the ability to consciously perceive our so-called "shadow" and thus let the energy blocked there flow again. We can harness this released energy and use it as a driver for our personal development. In this way, we follow the path into the new paradigms of compassion, joy, abundance and peace.

The YES to this inner change and sustainable change needs the courage to be mindful, to relax and immerse yourself in slowness - to be silent. All of these are qualities that have been lost to most people in this fast paced world.

The profit in this way is in a positive energy balance, primarily evidenced by vitality and zest for life.
Our heart, our heart intelligence is the key to this.

Joseph Hilton said:
"The events of the heart are directly connected to the brain. It is important to develop the natural intelligence of the heart so that the brain can work more efficiently. "

Science discovered that our heart has its own independent nervous system, which is referred to as the "brain in the heart".

In this day and age that demands everything of the people and and where stress has become a habit, it is important to develop the intelligence of the heart. Our heart is the strongest rhythm-maker in us and influences the other body rhythms. Related emotions such as appreciation, compassion or sympathy in the heart affect the hormonal balance and the immune system in us. The heart rate also affects the brain's ability to process information and to implement it creatively.
New stimuli and stimulus reductions expand our sense spectrum and thereby allow new connections to develop in our brain. This is a prerequisite for lasting changes in our lives.

Even Victor Hugo said:
The spirit becomes rich through receiving, the heart through giving.

Since over 20 years I lead seminars and trips to different continents with the intention that people discover themselves anew in their power, beauty and dignity in the new adventure LIFE and can build a new relationship with their heart in the process.

I wish to offer my rich experience of these again and again deeply touching experiences with people from different walks of life, because it is my heart concern to let others take part in them.

Together we explore the situation or circumstance that requires a change. Through a variety of techniques you recognize the blocked life energy and let it flow again. You bring your attention to your heart, and out of your "brain in the heart" you will find solutions that are in line with your innermost values. Your heart-intelligence gives solutions from inner peace and freedom without struggle.

As travel to the House Tatatonga - house of integrated knowledge - sometimes takes a long time, I now offer this support online. You choose the time and then we open a shared room via phone, Skype ... you set the time, whenever it feels consistent for you.

Of course, you can still come by in the House Tatatonga.

Price for 60 min

  • 08.00 - 20.00h : CHF 150
  • 21.00 - 07.00h : CHF 180

For longer sessions the price will be calculated pro rata.

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